Sunday 31 August 2014

An urgent appeal

posted by John Winn

I have been asked to post this appeal from Mick Bourne's daughter on the blog.

I just wondered if you could mention to anyone else that would like to contribute towards my dad's bench if they could try to do so in the next couple of weeks. At the moment only 5 people, including yourself and Brian Sanderson, have contributed and I have to pay the whole amount in 3 weeks and will need to pay the £1000 we need myself.  I am happy to take cheques or if they want to give you (Tony Hutton)  cash to give to me on the match day. Hate chasing people but I am sure there are more people who would like to contribute but contacting them is not easy

Catherine McGrath
I hope readers who knew Mick will be able to respond to this appeal from Catherine towards her father's memorial. The bank account details are as follows
Michael Bourne Memorial Fund
Account number 61659316
Sort Code 40-23-11
Reminder that the memorial match is at Arthington CC on Sunday 28th September from 1:00pm

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