Saturday, 21 April 2012

More Rain at HQ

Posted by Peter Davies

Friday 20th April


Got up very early and popped into my favourite Internet cafe (of all time) to write a few emails and do a bit of blogging. Then bought a cup of tea at a local cafe. Then back to the hotel for some rest.

Then out to the bank and a tube to Lord's - just one stop away.

I keep asking people for hotel recommendations near Lords's - cheap ones - but everyone seems to think I've got a good deal in Baker Street. Maybe I should use this as my base in future?

The weather was looking good at Lord's - about time! I had a sit down and then up to the library to find my friend Neil Robinson - the MCC librarian (great job). I also met Mike (from Cornwall) and Emma, the Taking the Field mastermind. All very ineresting chat.

Popped out for a watch of the cricket - and then back to the library. Then out for lunch and back again. On the Lord's photocopier I was copying club centenary brochures because I want to build up a big collection and add to what I already have. But far too many - so more trips to Lord's planned with photocoying high on the agenda.

Did 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off the copier because it was accident-prone, and then at 5pm I poppped out to watch the cricket. But they went off for rain soon after. Strauss had gone for 0 and they were being rescued by their middle order.

I'm a Middlesex country member and I asked how long it would take to become an MCC member. Not worth bothering about and VERY expensive.

Was not allowed into the pavilion because I wasn't wearing a jacket - par for the course - but tried to get in by walking round the front of the pavilion. But got accosted by the stewards - not a good idea. It started to rain again, then play was called off for the day.

So made my way back to Kings Cross. bought a couple of magazines and got on the train. Good journey, though more head pains. Not good. Home 11.20. Good trip to the Metropolis.

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