Thursday 19 April 2012

London Calling

Posted by Peter Davies

Baker Street, London

Friday 20 April

A trip down to London, but no change in my luck.

Rain again, washing out Surrey-Worcestershire yesterday, so I had to content myself with other things.

First up, a meeting with Jo Miller, The Oval's librarian. A nice woman and she was overseeing a book sale in one of the rooms high above the pitch. So I spent a lot of money!

Then she got her collection of centenary brochures out. I picked out quite a few and she's going to do some photocopying for me. I have a big collection of club centenary brochures and I want to add to it.

Then a wander round the ground, the 1st Floor museum, a cup of tea, a drink of orange and a bit of the IPL on TV.

Then back to my hotel near Baker Street and close to Lord's where I'll be off today.

I have a funny relationship with London.

In 1995 I got very ill on a trip down to see a friend in Burnt Oak and ended up in hospital for two days. This was nothing to do with my current illness but it was awful. And ever since I've had a phobia about London - hated the place, hated even the mention of it.

But now I'm getting into the place again. Cheap train tickets, nice hotels and cricket - obviously - are helping. Going to do lots more cricket - and other things - in the capital this summer.

My hotel is fine, if rather expensive, and I'll be looking for a cheaper one near Lord's/The Oval for future visits I think.

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