Thursday 23 April 2020

Fenner Trophy

By Brian Sanderson

1981 was the end of the Fenner Trophy at Scarborough
and had been going since 1972.
It was sent up by Sidney Hainsworth who was the President of
J.H.Fenners @Co Ltd based in Hull. He was also a Vice President
 of Yorkshire and a life long friend of Herbert Sutcliffe.

Every county except Derbyshire played in the Fenners .Another
 Director of the firm was Sir Leonard Hutton

The Fenners ended in 1981 because  their was a drop off spectators and
the players thought it was a competition to late in the season.
The 1981 final was between Yorkshire and Essex on  the 4 September.
Yorkshire batted first scoring 264 for 5 in the fifty overs.The
innings was dominated by Hampshire and Sharp,Hampshire ending
16 short of his century.In a exciting finish, Essex needed 10 of the 
last over,then 6 of the last two deliveries.But with everyone
 including wicket keeper Bairstow ,back on the boundary.
they fell 3 runs short.

The man of the match was John Hampshire.

There was another three day Festival in Yorkshire at Harrogate.
This was the Tilcon Trophy which was won by Worcestershire.
Jackie Birkenshaw taking  six consecutive wickets against
Northants. This festival carried on till 1992

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