Monday 16 December 2013

Jim the Cat in January

posted by John Winn

Jim the Cat devotees ended 2013 with seasonal fare and an excellent talk from Andrew Smith on a much overlooked cricketer, Tom Emmett, at last Friday's lunch at Pudsey St Lawrence. Halifax born Tom played for England between 1877 and 1882 and for Yorkshire for over 20 years. Andrew's careful research formed the basis of an enlightening talk, for most of the audience confessed they knew little of Tom's career.

Meetings will resume on Friday January 10th with an exciting guest speaker, David Leatherdale former player and now chief executive of Worcestershire CCC. David would like the meeting  to take the form of a question and answer session for he has found in the past this format to be the most rewarding.

If you have a question or questions you would like to put to David then please email them to including your name and phone number. These will be collated and forwarded to David.

To assist with catering, and if you have not already signed up to attend in January, please email PSL treasurer Jayne Priestley at so she has an accurate record of numbers intending to attend. Lunch will be served at one but the bar will be open from noon.

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