Sunday 26 July 2009

Coming to the boil

Posted by Peter Davies

The Allsop Cup final at Thurstonland...but a very damp and soggy event. Arrived at 5.15 to discover that the first innings - Almondbury Wesleyans batting against Cumberworth - had yet to be completed due to intermittent rain. But wickets started falling and by the time we left, about half an hour later, the Wes were all out and tea was being taken. Because of the weather the attendance at the event was low-ish, with most folk desperate for some cover from the drizzle in the area of the pavilion and tea room/bar. TCC VIPs were out in force including Cricket Heritage Project webmaster Lee Booth and secretary/scorer Andrew Pearson. The former said that if the final had to be adjourned to the following Sunday it would clash with a pre-arranged junior event, while the latter was talking baseball, American sport and possibly doing a cricket-related M.Phil some time in the future. It also transpired that the Thurstonland kettle was playing up and anyone wishing to purchase a cuppa was having to wait a short time. But the ground looked great even though it was a dismal day. Just very bad luck that the final should be rain-affected.

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